tips for TEENS

  • Always wear your seat belt.

  • Don’t drink and drive. Drinking under the age of 21 is illegal.

  • Don’t talk or text on your cellphone while driving.

  • Obey the speed limit. Going too fast gives you less time to react.

  • Don’t eat or drink while driving.

  • Adjust radio and climate controls before beginning your trip, have your passenger adjust the controls for you or pull over to a safe place to adjust the controls.

  • Since in many cases the teen driver shares a vehicle with a parent/guardian, the driver’s seat and all mirrors should be adjusted prior to beginning a trip.

  • If you cannot see a truck’s mirrors the driver cannot see you.

  • Plan ahead; know where you are going and get directions.

  • Leave early. Give yourself plenty of time to get there.

Expect the unexpected. You never know what can happen.